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chrisu – SKB Racing Triathlon Team

Pre Race: Challenge Venice

posted in: Tritraining blog
A little bit more than 8 hours until the start of Challenge Venice! Daniela is sound asleep, getting as much sleep as possible before her first full distance triathlon. In short: Everything has gone well (knock on wood) You should be able to track her at: TDS-live, they have an app of the same name […]

Race Report: Alcudia Aquathlon

posted in: Tritraining blog
During the Finnish Midsummer festivities Daniela participated in an aquathlon here in Mallorca. This was a small local race we spotted a couple of days after the IM 70.3 Mallorca. There were two distances: short with 3k run, 1 k swim and 1.5k run; long with 5k run, 2k swim and 5k run. Daniela immediately […]

Race Report: IM Mallorca 70.3 / Daniela

posted in: Tritraining blog
Background Daniela’s triathlon journey continues with the next step in distance. The half ironman or as the total distance of the race is (in miles) 70.3. She did her first triathlons last Summer and got hooked with this great sport. Although she has been a very physically active person all through her life, endurance […]

Daniela: 100 days to IM Mallorca 70.3

posted in: Tritraining blog
100 days to go until her first half distance race, let’s find out how things are going… Background Daniela has appeared on this blog a couple of times. First in 2015 when she got interested in road cycling and then as part of our relay team at Finntriathlon Joroinen. After a fun 2015 as riding […]

Race Report: Ironman Cozumel/Sanna

posted in: Tritraining blog
Amazing race from the little one! Huge congrats to Sanna, as of writing she is flying somewhere above the Atlantic, trying to get home to cold Finland. Result: Time: 11 h 9 min Overall: 183/1400 Age Group: 5/43 Background and goals for the race This was Sanna’s third iron distance race and her goal was […]

Race Report: Ironman Cozumel 2016/Ville

posted in: Tritraining blog
Tough day…and a long one but I have to be happy and proud about my performance. Result was not what I was going for but the decisions I made during the race were solid and this was the best I could do on race day with the preparation and fitness I had. Result: Time: 12h […]

Ladut kiinni!

posted in: Perjantaikokin blogi
Elämme aikaa, jota historioitsijat tulevat luonnehtimaan poikkeuksellisena murroskohtana. Maatamme on samanaikaisesti kohdannut sekä ilmastonmuutos että uusien kansaryhmien ilmentyminen maassamme. Nämä molemmat tahdostamme riippumattomat ilmiöt vaikuttavat meihin metsää, lunta ja naapuriamme rakastaviin suomalaisiin tavalla, jota emme kukaan odottaneet, saatikka toivoneet. Suurin muutospaine on havaittavissa etelän suurissa kaupungeissa, joissa uudet kansanryhmät valtaavat tilaa Peltoset jalassa syntyneiltä suomalaisilta […]

Ironman Hawaii 2015 Race Recap

posted in: Jensin blogi

After three flights, a very stressful transit in LAX and approximately 30 hours of traveling we had finally arrived in Kona, Hawaii. They say that the training, instead of the race itself, is the hardest part in the massive task called the ironman but I would be inclined to say the “getting there” part is pretty high up there as well, at least as far as Ironman Hawaii goes.

Ironman 70.3 World Championship Recap

posted in: Jensin blogi
Little over two weeks ago the best half iron-distance athletes, and me, were gathered to Zell am See, Austria to fight for the world champion title. The lineup in the pro field glimmered like the stars in the clear night sky over the Alps as all the Kienles, Gomezes, Frodenos, Ryfs etc.
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