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Jensin blogi – SKB Racing Triathlon Team

Ironman Hawaii 2015 Race Recap

posted in: Jensin blogi

After three flights, a very stressful transit in LAX and approximately 30 hours of traveling we had finally arrived in Kona, Hawaii. They say that the training, instead of the race itself, is the hardest part in the massive task called the ironman but I would be inclined to say the “getting there” part is pretty high up there as well, at least as far as Ironman Hawaii goes.

Ironman 70.3 World Championship Recap

posted in: Jensin blogi
Little over two weeks ago the best half iron-distance athletes, and me, were gathered to Zell am See, Austria to fight for the world champion title. The lineup in the pro field glimmered like the stars in the clear night sky over the Alps as all the Kienles, Gomezes, Frodenos, Ryfs etc.


posted in: Jensin blogi

Yesterday was yet again THE race day in Finnish triathlon calendar. The day when an otherwise tranquil village in the eastern part of Finland suddenly transforms into busy race venue that draws undoubtedly the fittest citizens in the country to battle it out against each other and more importantly, against themselves.